A Real “Series Arc”

Szechuan Sauce Returns

During a surprise season premiere on April Fools Day, Rick and Morty made a less-than subtle reference to a long forgotten McNugget sauce. Like many shows with a cult following, the reference very quickly spiraled into such a large cultural moment that McDonald’s couldn’t ignore.

A softball toss, really

Considering the sauce hasn’t existed in 19 years, McDonald’s had to travel through the multiverse to a dimension where it’s always 1998 (DIMENSION C-1998M). One can tell that is a true story because the box it is stored in is so sciency-looking.

Sciency-Looking McNugget Sauce
Roiland Tweet

We gave it to the show’s creator

McD Giveaway Tweet

Then we gave some away

Billboard Story

This guy bought one

Deadmau5 Holding Sauce


Deadmau5 Holding Sauce

This is truly the “Series Arc” to my life